Our Product Journey
Rest Well Wake Up Cute
Sleepless Nights
Hi, I'm Jennifer Williams, Inventor and Founder of Cutezzz®.  I am a strong advocate for self-care and throughout many years of faithfully obtaining beauty enhancements such as eyelash extensions, professional hairstyles and makeup, I decided I could no longer endure sleepless nights to stay cute.  I've done it all!  I've slept with my head hanging off the bed.  I've propped my head up with my arm but my arm fell asleep (instead of me!).  So I decided to design a product to protect beauty enhancements that also allowed me to rest comfortably. And that's how Cutezzz® was born; out of my personal desire to "Rest Well Wake Up Cute".

From inception of Cutezzz® I knew the product had to be made with a fabric conducive with protecting my hair and elevated to prevent my eyelash extensions from touching and adhering to the fabric while sleeping on my side or stomach.  It also needed to be versatile to stabilize my head and neck while laying on my back to protect my makeup if I wanted to take a nap.  After several brainstorming sessions and sketches, I landed on a pillowcase with a satin finish and a removable U-shaped pillow insert. Most individuals have a favorite pillow they sleep with, so Cutezzz® won't replace your favorite pillow, but will enhance it.
Bringing Cutezzz® to Life!
Determining the right fabric was essential. It was important for me to source fabric that protected my hair edges and eyelash extensions. During my research, I learned that certain material grabs and pulls out eyelash extensions and from personal experience, I understood the importance of material with a satin finish to protect my hair. Â After many trials and tests, I landed on a poly/spandex blend with a satin finish. Â Not only will it protect hair and eyelash extensions, but its durable and will last a very long time through several machine washes.

A pillowcase...AND SO MUCH MORE!
During the testing phase, I shared the Cutezzz® prototype with friends, family and business associates and to my surprise, identified several other benefits of Cutezzz®. Not only will Cutezzz® protect and retain eyelash extensions and hair edges, it will also:
Protect makeup while laying on your back by stabilizing your head and neck.
Relieve ear piercing pain while laying on your side or stomach by placing your ear in the middle of the U-shaped attachment.
Comfortably prop you up in bed while reading or watching TV.